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Basic Tools for True Managed Service Provider(MSP)September 01, 2017
MSP software


With a new major cyber attack hitting computers worldwide every week, business owners are wondering if there are any safe zones in cyber warfare.

While some businesses are at a larger risk than others, everyone needs some kind of internet protection.

That's where you come in. Managed Service Provider to the rescue!

But are you a true MSP?

There are basic tools you need to employ in order to truly fit the mold and ensure your business is secure from hackers' reach.

1. Applying Patches

Most computer intrusions — malware, worms, viruses, hackers — enter through a small crack in your endpoint's software or programming data.

Applying frequent patches to repair those defects is not only recommended, it's fundamental. Failure to do so paints a great, big target for cyber criminals to attack.

Comodo One managed services – a perfect fit for you and your business.

Comodo One will take care of your day-to-day IT support needs, help you make IT strategic decision and allow you to stay ahead of the competition. When you partner with us for all your IT support and service needs, you know you have everything you need to achieve your business goals.

Contact us Comodo One is ready to help you.

2. Employing Proactive Solutions

How often do you think your clients hit 'remind me later' when their computer prompts them to install an update?

Do you think they know that is putting them at risk?

With an RMM tool, you can deploy agents to your computers, mobile devices, and networks to maintain the machine's health remotely. Therefore you are able to monitor technology from a remote console without having to leave the office. True MSPs keep everything up-to-date and resolve issues/updates without disrupting their clients workflow.

3. Prioritizing Service

Whether it is a recurring revenue model, consistent monitoring, patch application, and/or software updates, managed services ensure a certain degree of predictability in an unpredictable environment.

True MSPs are encouraged to provide the greatest services, because they aren't banking on their endpoints to crash in order to pay their rent. If you're thinking that must be so much less stressful, you're right. It is.

4. Delivering Fair Prices

How much are you willing to spend on your MSP software?

Comodo One is an application that's FREE for all MSPs.

With Comodo One, you can utilize RMM and Patch Management tools while incorporating customized service desk automation at an extremely competitive price.

Comodo One keeps your endpoints safe without draining your wallet.

Managed Service Provider

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