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How to Choose a Managed Service Provider for Cloud MigrationFebruary 16, 2018

The benefits of the cloud have induced many enterprises to migrate to the cloud. Observing the immense benefits reaped by these enterprises, it is encouraging many other organizations to consider moving to the cloud. In many cases, the enterprises have no other option other than to compulsorily move to the cloud in order to stay competitive in the industry.

Whether it is compulsory or otherwise, every enterprise stands to gain from moving to the cloud. The next question would be on how to go about planning and executing the process of migration to the cloud. A study of the options available would reveal that it is quite complicated and may seem as an overwhelming task, which in fact is quite true. The complexity is dependent on the existing IT infrastructure. Not only do you require the hardware and software resources and funds, you also require skilled, experienced and trained experts to implement the migration to the cloud. CIOs and IT administrators have revealed that there is a severe shortage of skilled professionals who are experts in cloud migration and cloud-related technologies.

IT administrators have three options —(1) build an in-house cloud-expert team, (2) obtain the services of cloud-experts, or (3) engage the services of a Managed Service Provider (MSP).

(1) In-house Cloud-Expert Team

Cloud technology is constantly upgrading and IT personnel must stay updated with the latest technologies. Forming a team of such experts is quite difficult due to lack of skilled manpower. It may also be an expensive proposition and beyond the budget of the organization.

(2) Services of Cloud-Experts

Just consulting with such experts may not solve the issue as maintenance is required beyond migration. Further, support is required.

(3) Managed Service Provider (MSP)

An MSP is the best bet. MSPs can afford to maintain a team of cloud experts, as they would be servicing multiple clients at the same time. MSPs provide a wide variety of services and handle different types of projects. They are able to provide 24x7x365 day service with fast response and take over the responsibility of migrating and managing the cloud services. MSPs possess the knowledge, skills, experience, and methods for successful cloud migration and maintenance.

Choosing an MSP for Cloud Migration

  • When choosing an MSP you must consider only those MSPs that not only provide cloud migration services but also cloud maintenance services.
  • Some MSPs also offer disaster recovery to decrease downtime and to ensure business continuity. This is very important as the responsibility now lies with the MSP. Ensure that the MSP has a well laid out plan and execution for disaster recovery.
  • The experts with the MSP must possess the skills to understand the cloud environment and tools for working in that environment.
  • You must define a detailed contract with the MSP, that will ensure efficient cloud migration and maintenance. Both long-term and short-term goals must be defined. You must understand all the clauses of the contract, and the MSP must be suggestive of a fair contract that provides proactive efficient cloud-management.
  • Choose an MSP that offers value for money. Check out other services they offer to find out their capabilities.
  • Choose an MSP that maintains a reputation for adhering to the contract.
  • Choose an MSP that provides proactive suggestions for overall efficient management.

Comodo One MSP

The Comodo One MSP operates on a complete, scalable IT management platform that is also free. Along with cloud-migration and management services it offers other essential IT management tools such as Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM), Service Desk, and Patch Management in one integrated management platform. Considering many factors, Comodo One MSP would be the best for your organization for successful cloud migration.


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