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MSP Delivers Managed IT Services To Multiple SMBs & Enterprises OrganizationJune 29, 2018

What is Managed Service Provider?

An MSP is a company that provides subscription model to pro-actively manage it's clients' IT environment remotely. It offers a delivery system, application, network, and e-management services, while the customers use a "pay as you go" pricing model.

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An MSP handles IT needs for other organizations. It achieves this by providing a range of services proactively, including remote monitoring and management, patch management, and security. Many MSPs provide their services at a monthly rate and can offer their clients different tiers of pricing depending on the IT Services they require.

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Types of Managed Services

Monitoring: An MSP offers efficient, real-time and customized monitoring solutions for any network device, application, website or server of an organization. It delivers 24x7x365 network monitoring to ensure optimum uptime for your business.

Simplified Billing: An MSP can provide a billing management system to take care of tracking, invoicing, payments, and budgeting. MSPs that offer this option manage billing system to ensure visibility.

Scheduled Maintenance: An MSP ensures scheduled maintenance of the organizations’ networks on a monthly or quarterly basis as per the Service Level Agreement.

Centralized Management: MSPs provide a single yet powerful console to manage complex networks. They also provide service desk, patch management solution, remote monitoring and security solutions to multiple clients with centralized controls.

Remote Support: MSPs deliver cloud-based solutions to manage remote computers. Some Managed Service Providers provide assistance to help you through every single step of the transition. While they manage your services efficiently, you dedicate more of your time to oversee operational and financial services effectively. MSPs also assist in trouble-shooting technical problems remotely.

Proactive Support: Managed Service Providers combine regular and comprehensive preventative maintenance systems to stay ahead of any issues related to networks and desktop devices. They are a strong medium to ensure the stability and reliability of the organization’s IT assets. They also provide scalable cloud storage and the payment differs for the amount of storage space the user requires.

A backup plan is critical to mitigate or prevent any damage to businesses during a crisis. MSPs provide proactive support by offering exclusive cloud management services to back- up all the documents stored in the cloud. A copy of the documents is generated automatically when they are uploaded to the cloud.

How to Manage an MSP

With all the attention that is given to application hosting, cloud services, managed services, etc, companies find ways to unload good management and administration of applications, and business services. There are companies that take over the administration of applications and software but remain unsure about the scope of the support they render.

To address all the challenges, here are some tips that can take your company a long way to manage Managed Service Providers effectively,

  • Generate a ticketing system
  • Hold your MSPs accountable for their actions
  • Implement a "Customer Responded" metric

MSPs are high in demand as small and mid-sized businesses focus more on their business aspects and delegate IT and other tasks to experts who can handle them efficiently. Managed service providers have grown leaps and bounds in the last four years with good returns of over $55 billion dollars. Whether you outsource all IT or would just want to manage a mainframe application, choosing the right MSP is critical. Companies spend 80% of their IT budget just to run a basic infrastructure; outsourcing the IT management infrastructure to MSPs would help them reduce their cost.

Advantages of Using MSP(s):

-->Cost Effective: When organizations are to service unforeseen repairs, it costs more than a lot of money. Organizations, when they hire MSPs, help reduce such costs through fixed monthly payments on a contractual basis that covers all the repair and service costs.

-->Enhanced Protection: MSPs arm the organizations with backup and disaster recovery plans.

-->Live Support: They provide network monitoring tools to complete 24/7/365 Network Protection to the organization.

-->Comprehensive Reporting: MSPs offer a 360-degree view of the complete infrastructure of the enterprise – at a granular level, which helps admin track everything that happens in their organization.

Benefits Of Managed Services:

  1. Improved rate of operational efficiency
  2. Minimized operating costs
  3. Minimized downtime
  4. Helps organizations have their complete focus on the business, while they handle the technology
  5. Assures client organizations that the network is observed round the clock.

To understand it better, Managed Services discover and fix problems pro-actively before they can make a negative impact on the business. With an effective performance of patch management, network monitoring, and desktop optimization on a regular basis, organizations would be able to acquire the benefits of better performance with increased business revenue.

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