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What does Comodo One and iTunes Have in Common?September 11, 2017
Comodo One


Here are some of Comodo One's FAQ:

  1. Why is Comodo One free?
  2. What's the catch?
  3. When is my free trial over?

The answer:

To put it plainly: We, at Comodo One, would like to partner with your MSP business.

You don't make any money off of management tools, so why would we charge you for them? Instead, we will help you manage your IT infrastructure. Then, you'll be able to purchase our apps, which you can sell to your clients as part of your successful business services.

When you make money, we make money. It's really that simple.

"But if it's free, it's cheap."


Think of the most successful music media hub: iTunes. They changed the MP3 Game forever. Transferring music from place to place used to be a total nightmare, requiring several different softwares. Then iTunes came around and provided anyone who signed up with a central hub to download, listen, transfer and/or burn their music.

iTunes is a free application. They only charge you if you purchase music or videos (additional apps) within their space. It also provides excellent service on one central platform.

Those are the things that we have in common.

iTunes quickly became the music destination for sleek, free, quality service.

Your MSP Destination

Comodo One is your destination for Managed Services, putting all of your MSP needs in one easy-to-use application. For free. For all. Forever.

Our centralized platform consolidates everything. All of your tasks--like RMM, ticketing and patch management--can be done within the portal.

Our Goal

We are changing the business model in the MSP industry by providing the world's first and only free RMM and PSA integrated platform.

Just how iTunes retired a multiple software process, so did Comodo One. We also offer dedicated support and consulting to all of our Comodo One accounts, which, in case you didn't get it the first 10 times I said it, are free.

MSP Business Services

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