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Patch Management - Their Benefits and Increasing Security Efficiency

December 09, 2016

patch management security

Steps to Better Security with Patch Management Solution

Do you know nearly all data breaches happen at least one year after a specific vulnerability has been made public and proper patch management could easily prevent these problems? This is according to a recent data breach report from Verizon. In fact most of these vulnerabilities are known and there are patches available, so why do so many companies appear blind to these vital security issues? Let's delve into this subject a little deeper, explore the benefits of this strategy and list steps you can take to greatly improve security.

Improper Patch Management Can Be Costly

A recent survey revealed more than 80 percent of the health care facilities (in the survey) experienced data breaches within the last 24 months. Fewer than 50 percent of these companies believed they had the right security in place to prevent attacks. These problems are affecting millions of medical patients and costing everyone billions of dollars.

The problem is getting worse as managing updates is routinely downplayed. In fact, many organizations devote less than ten percent of their IT budgets to this important issue and securing vital data. The truth is, better patch management can solve many security issues these days.

How Automating Patch Management Solves Problems

Managing updates and fixes can take up a great deal of time and resources. In the past, updates every month used to be common but not today. In fact, updating can be more than many IT departments can handle because of the constant threats from many different sources each day. Even effective strategies can miss an occasional patch and this can wreak havoc with computer systems, resulting in data breaches and downtime. This is why special software has become a necessity with many companies.

Benefits of Patch Management Programs

  • No more manual updates
  • Fewer steps required
  • Less time
  • Human resources not required
  • Increased security
  • More productivity
  • Increased efficiency
  • Better compliancy (like HIPAA)
  • Eliminate human errors

How to Increase Security Efficiency

  • Study your security needs
  • Inventory resources
  • Create a data base
  • Test new patches to ensure safety
  • Automate updates (once tested and approved)
  • Have a backup plan in place
  • Verify successful patching - this can be done by your patch management program.
  • Create reports - the best security software creates all the reports you need to study, verify and improve your security efforts.

patch management benefits

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