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Comodo Provides the Best Patch ManagementOctober 31, 2017

Many enterprises are now learning to invest in good patch management software. Though there are many free patch management options available online, we believe Comodo can help meet your IT requirements.

What is Patch Management?

Patch management is the process that helps acquire, test and install multiple patches (code changes) on existing applications and software tools on a computer, enabling systems to stay updated on existing patches and determining which patches are the appropriate ones. Essentially, managing patches becomes simple and manageable.

Why Use Patch Management Solutions?

Patch management is crucial for any company; any system on their network that is not patched is vulnerable to be compromised. Manual windows patch manageability is not enough, so patch management software is required for better security. A big advantage of automated patch management solutions are they can regulate compliance requirements. This security allows IT personnel to focus more on tasks that bring money into the company.

What are the Essential Features of a Patch Management Software

  • Manageability — A dashboard that can be easily accessed provides key metrics on patch status, endpoints and application software.
  • Integration — Usually you see Patch Management in RMM, IT Service Desk, and other tools. However, it must be integrated correctly with such other applications. It must not cause any conflicts for the enterprise's whole system or any other installed software applications.

For any questions about patch management, contact our Customer Service Representatives anytime at

Best Patch Management Software

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