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Patch Management can Prevent Security Breaches

March 24, 2017

patch management

Software and Applications are developed to benefit the users. However, users identify flaws only while implementing it to benefit the purpose. Such flaws create a path for the hackers to access the vulnerable application to exploit and extract valuable information. Software vendors release security patch fixes to fix such vulnerable issues. IT departments and individual users most often retard to update the software to fix the latest patch and hence stay vulnerable and best target for a security breach.

A survey was conducted with 318 companies to analyze the cause of security breaches. Stats reveal that more than 80% of the companies with outdated software had been blown down with security breaches.

When IT and Security Compete

Security always stays in conflict with regards to IT functions and Prioritising becomes more challenging. The IT operates to manage the functional availability of the software while the security solutions interrupts the regular flow of the IT operations. The security system operates to be liable for the security of the software, this helps the user in protecting the productive environment from the bad guys of the cyber world.

Though software developers are developing sturdy applications engraved with advanced techniques making it more complex for the cyber criminals to gain access, the vulnerability patches are to be updated instantly as and when the software vendors release a new update. The instant preparedness for upgrading the software in the production environment would make the application more secure to protect the data and files from the hacker's access.

The process of updating the system for patch fixes would interfere with the productivity of any organization due to unplanned downtime that disrupts the business process work flow which is highly visible. However, the software application update to fix the vulnerable patch is highly important to stay away from security breaches.

Patch Management to defend Security Breaches

Patch Management would be a saving grace for organization as it helps to maintain, control and administer software updates. Patch Management would be an instant readiness solution to fix patches immediately as and when the software vendor releases new patch and ensures an up-to-date IT environment

Patch Management prevents security breaches

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