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Importance of a Customer Service DeskNovember 08, 2017

Customer Service Desk


How Integral is a Customer Service Desk to Your Business

Once you understand the value of implementing a service desk to manage the flow of requests to and from your customers, there are a number of additional benefits you will start to perceive.

  1. You will quickly find that you have a new way of managing the performance of your staff.
  2. You will find that you have a way of expressing the value you offer to your customers as a regular report. Reports that help justify the cost.
  3. When things get busy, you can now manage the workload against the service levels you set with each customer.
  4. You will start to notice the power of automated tickets that are created when a customer's computer starts to act poorly (slows down, start to use a high level of system resources), allowing problems to be fixed pro-actively.
  5. The knowledge base quickly becomes an essential part of the process, allowing your whole team to build bet practices and share them and even allow customers to start to search for their own fixes, minimizing the need to even raise a ticket.

If you are currently making a decision as to which service desk to use, make sure you ask the following questions as part of your selection process:

Does your service desk include?

  1. Integration with remote monitoring and management and automatic ticket creation from alerts.
  2. A knowledge base system.
  3. Reporting on engineer utilization and customer SLA adherence.
Customer Service Desk

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