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Improve Your Helpdesk Support Efficiency Using Comodo Service Desk December 11, 2017

Helpdesks play a crucial role in ensuring enterprise operations are carried out smoothly. Therefore it only makes sense to minimize your helpdesk's workload so it can serve you better in the longer run. Comodo Service Desk, which is a part of Comodo ONE group of products and is available for free, can help enterprises supercharge their IT helpdesk, so that they can become more efficient and productive.

Comodo Service Desk allows administrators and helpdesk staff to successfully track and attend to user tickets, reassign them to appropriate departments, generate ticket-based reports and carry-out other such IT ticket related activities. It is especially useful for MSPs since Comodo Service Desk comes integrated with other powerful tools like Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) and Patch Management software, both of which are also free.

Comodo Service Desk Features:

  • Cloud-Based Access: your helpdesk can access user tickets anytime, anywhere and using any device!
  • Knowledge Base: predetermined solutions (recorded based on experience) available in the knowledge base portal can assist your helpdesk solve IT tickets quickly.
  • Ticket Reports Scheduling: allows helpdesk to schedule (and generate) ticket-based reports on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, and the same can be configured to be mailed to the desired recipients in the desired format (csv, excel, etc.)
  • Auto Responder: so that the helpdesk does not have to access the IT tickets every time to check their status.

Learn more about Comodo One Service Desk here:

Comodo One Service Desk Is Absolutely Free!

Make Your Service Desk Work Smarter, Not Harder! Use Comodo One Service Desk

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