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Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) December 11, 2017

Every enterprise that depends on Information Technology needs a dedicated IT admin team to support them and enable them to operate efficiently. But this is easier said than done. Because enterprises usually lack the budget and expertise to bring aboard such a dedicated IT admin team. Instead, many enterprises choose to suffer one IT incident after another. But this does not have to be the case.

What is ITSM?

ITSM, which stands for Information Technology Service Management, refers to a strategic approach for designing, delivering, managing and improving the way in which information technology (IT) is used within an enterprise. Simply put, it is a software (offered as service or for download), which ensures all computers within an enterprise operate efficiently and are safeguarded against security threats, thus increasing the productivity of the enterprise.

ITSM software usually includes critical network maintenance tools like Device Management, Security Management, Patch Management, Helpdesk Management, etc., which ensure day-to-day enterprise IT operations are carried out smoothly.

Why Choose Endpoint Manager?

Endpoint Manager, which is a part of the Comodo One initiative and is available absolutely free, assists MSPs in managing their client infrastructure by equipping them with the necessary IT tools to address the four critical aspects of IT Service Management: (which are) device management, application management, security management and helpdesk management, making it a competitive tool in the market.

Endpoint Manager – Features

  • Device Management: helps MSPs easily gather crucial information like the list of active/inactive devices, devices infected with viruses, response of various devices to virus scans etc.
  • Application Management: allows MSPs to blacklist/whitelist applications based on comprehensive research conducted across various devices which are a part of Comodo ITSM environment.
  • Security Management: provides MSPs the permission to configure security policies, which decide a specific device's network access rights. Patch Management and Remote Monitoring to form a part of Security Management.
  • Helpdesk Management: enables MSPs to resolve client issues systematically by providing them with IT helpdesk management software. [Note: Comodo Service Desk (helpdesk) is not available with ITSM but as a separate module below it].

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