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4 Invaluable RMM Vendor Value-Adds MSPs Need Right NowAugust 09, 2017

RMM value add-on

How MSPs Can Gain More Out of RMM Vendors

Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) tools help MSPs run their businesses smoothly in two ways. First, they keep track of all the client devices subscribing to the MSP's services. Then, they also execute management tasks like patching updates and other such administrative tasks for the MSP's clients. As a result of these two key operations, the workload of MSPs reduces greatly, allowing them to focus more on the quality of the services they offer.

Unfortunately, the general perception among MSPs is that the services of RMM end here; that they do not extend beyond keeping a tab on devices and executing administrative tasks. This is indeed true if you focus only on the capabilities of the RMM tool. But if MSPs are wise enough to look beyond that, they'll realize that these RMM companies can offer 'value well beyond the products they make'.

Find 4 different ways in which RMM companies can offer 'values well beyond the products they make' which MSPs can make use of to their advantage.

  1. Free Consulting
  2. Technical Training
  3. Using Their Marketing Documents
  4. Seeking Professional Services
  1. Free Consulting: Experience brings wisdom. And if your RMM vendor has been around for a long time, they've probably worked with many MSPs similar to yours. Therefore you, as an MSP, can gain plenty of insights as to what others in the industry are doing which you might be missing out on. (That is if your RMM vendor is willing to share this information with you). Alternatively, you also have the option of requesting your RMM vendor to evaluate your company and offer feedback on a few key areas which you can work on.
  2. Technical Training: Superficial knowledge of your RMM tool is not going prove sufficient. You should work on gaining an in-depth knowledge of these tools if you are to make the most of them. For this, you should get some form of training. Many RMM vendors offer free training that you can make use of. And even if this training is priced, it's best for MSPs to undertake them. Because this way, you can take full advantage of the tool.
  3. Using Their Marketing Documents: Sometimes you may have a hard time impressing upon your clients that the remote monitoring and management tool you are employing is a reliable one. Under such circumstances, creating documents on your own vouching for your RMM tool's capabilities can be a cumbersome task. On the other hand, if you are in possession of your RMM vendor's marketing collateral, they can come in handy and save you plenty of time.
  4. Seeking Professional Services: MSPs can dramatically cut down on their workforce and the related expenditure if (their) RMM vendors are willing to extend their services in this area as well by providing some manpower. Like, for example, helping MSPs out with level-1 helpdesk support etc., Therefore always reach out to your RMM vendors and find out if they offer such services so that you can focus more on other important activities.

As a final piece of advice, don't forget that MSP(s) success are closely related to the success (and efficiency) of the RMM tools which they employ. Therefore choose wisely and use them effectively.

RMM Tools

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