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Advantages of Having RMM ServiceNovember 08, 2017

Advantages of RMM Service


Having an RMM Service can be an Advantage?

Remote monitoring and management (RMM), also known as network management or remote monitoring software, is a type of software designed to help Managed IT Service Providers (MSPs) remotely and proactively monitor client endpoints, networks, and computers. it's a tool that allows your MSP to efficiently monitor and proactively manage your systems, just like a large corporate IT department would.

To help you understand the main advantages of having a RMM Service, we've developed this list of key benefits your business can gain:

  • Unload Time-Consuming Task and Boost Productivity.

How can you grow your business if you constantly struggle to stay afloat as you drown in tickets and wasting time and local resources on small issues such as Email delivery issues, Expired web certificate, updates, Antivirus scans, and much more.

Monitoring the health of your network and all the devices on it. At this most basic level, it automatically alerts your MSP if it detects common issues with your systems. This makes RMM a great tool for proactive maintenance, since they give your MSP a jump on common issues, and thus reducing downtime and the resulting cost in lost productivity.

  • Be Proactive in Maintenance and Upgrade security.

Multiple maintenance tasks, such as applying patches and updates to operating systems and key software, can be automated within RMM. This saves you a valuable time, which also means cost savings. But, more importantly, patches and updates can be scheduled and applied systematically at advantageous times. It'll be less risk for downtime. Having the ability to work on multiple machines at once would help you in developing your business model and maximizing your returns.

RMM also work closely with antivirus software. Allowing your MSP to consistently apply critical updates that expand antivirus tools' knowledge of current threats. So it can boost productivity and save you money, but also upgrade security.

  • Interact with your Clients. Exceed their Expectations.

Imagine a tool that could allow you to connect behind the scenes, troubleshoot and fix the problem without impacting the client's ability to work.

If problems develop late at night or on a weekend, you don't have to be there always. You can receive email alerts about many different events. In addition, that it's easily accessed using the internet, so you can take care of most things from home which could be done in an office. You could be thousands of miles away and as long as there is online access, remote monitoring and management can proceed business as usual.

To be able to determine the potential incident before your client painfully feels it, and fix it in advance to avoid that negative impact to your business. To automate any process that gives you the proactive services you could keep your clients happy for the long haul. These are the kind of goals that you want to stick in. RMM service will be able to help you achieve this.

RMM Services


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