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Micro Data Centers are Important for Digitally Connected EnterprisesFebruary 06, 2017

enterprise rmm

This is the era of IoT (Internet of Things), BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), RMM (Remote Monitoring and Management) and such other things that point to the relevance of digitally connected enterprises. In this scenario, it's the processing and storage of data that needs to be discussed the most and which also needs to be taken care on in the most professional of manners.

That the mass of data that an enterprise today has to deal with resides mostly on the cloud is something we know. In this context, we need to depend on data centers to take care of the data. Cloud data centers can help us a lot, but we always need a rather non-virtual and more physical kind of data center to take care of the data This is where micro data centers come in. Automated micro data centers are very much important in the times of IoT, Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) and digitally connected enterprises. We need the data to reside in close proximity to the devices and the users.

What are Micro Data Centers

You can say that micro data centers bring together in a single unit compact prefabricated hardware and management software intelligence. They'd have most of the components that a full-blown data center would have; it's just that these would be scaled down and sometimes rationalized in proportion with the reduced size. The components would include processing power, memory, I/O (Input/Output) intelligence, UPS hardware, cooling systems, security software etc.

The Relevance of Micro Data Centers

Micro Data Centers support the various connected devices in an enterprise in today's world of IoT, BYOD to and RMM. They help structure the basically unstructured data that resides in the cloud and also helps push data to users as quickly as possible and in a reliable manner, with minimum hands-on configuration and management. This is because users today can demand data anytime at any place.

Digitally connected enterprises of today would have to ensure that data is made available as and when needed, with all promptness. The basic functions that micro data centers seek to address include enabling a software-defined data ecosystem, providing back-end connectivity to cloud/on-premises enterprise infrastructure for data collection/analysis etc. In today's digitally connected world, micro data centers can function as an adjunct to legacy facilities to serve all kinds of data needs.

Remote Monitoring in micro data centers

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