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Managed Services

Hackers are smarter these days, thereby it is important to implement efficient IT security software that can prevent computer systems from the online dangers. Online fraudsters aim at stealing or damaging the hardware, software or electronic data.

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Help desk support

In an enterprise setting, an IT Help Desk Services or IT helpdesk is a place where the enterprise' customers can call to get help with a problem. It is a multi-dimensional team whose primary aim is to help reduce downtime in IT services and operations- making them available for a maximum period of time.

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Managed IT Services

When you are on the verge of choosing a Managed IT Service Provider, it cannot be a random choice, there has to be a thorough understanding about the Managed IT Service Provider from whom you are going to get the service. In this article we will be discussing on how to settle with the right Managed service provider.

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IT Security ProvidersAugust31, 2018
IT Security Providers

Cyber threats are on the rise globally, and many businesses are extremely vulnerable to it as a result of ineffective IT security strategies. Security solutions provided by IT security providers are essential for all kinds of organizations, particularly when considering the importance of the internet and the IT systems for running the day-to-day operations of an organization.

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Business Information System

Any business can be successful only when there is a consistent management of organizational and financial data with efficient information systems. Most of the companies have seen a drift in the process of workflow due to the accuracy and reliability. There is no alternative for the right information at the required time in the world of business where every industry revolves round the "Internet of Things"

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Best Project Management Software

Project management software is software that is used for project planning, resource allocation, scheduling, and change management. It permits project managers (PMs), users and stakeholders to control costs and manage budgeting, documentation and quality management. Project management software is also used for communication and collaboration between project stakeholders. Both free and paid versions of different project management software tools are available and some of the free project management software tools include:

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What is MSP

A managed service provider (MSP) offers a computing framework platform for the organizations to remotely manage their customer's IT infrastructure. The services may also extend to managing the end-user systems, basically on a proactive basis or under a subscription model.

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Management Information System

The term Management information system (MIS), refers to a computer-based methodology that equips decision makers in an organization with the tools to organize, evaluate and efficiently manage departments.

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Managed Service Providers

An MSP is a company that provides subscription model to pro-actively manage it's clients' IT environment remotely. It offers a delivery system, application, network, and e-management services, while the customers use a "pay as you go" pricing model. An MSP handles IT needs for other organizations. It achieves this by providing a range of services proactively, including remote monitoring and management, patch management, and security.

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Network Assessment

A basic security software solution like antivirus or a firewall is more than enough to protect an individual’s PC. However, in case of protecting business computers which are interconnected within a network, becomes way too challenging. This brought in the inception of Network security to render advanced security options to protect the network from threats Managed Service Providers also called MSPs are separate entities that operate to deliver Software as a Service (SaaS) to provide cybersecurity measures based on the organization’s needs.

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The benefits of the cloud have induced many enterprises to migrate to the cloud. Observing the immense benefits reaped by these enterprises, it is encouraging many other organizations to consider moving to the cloud. In many cases, the enterprises have no other option other than to compulsorily move to the cloud in order to stay competitive in the industry.

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How Comodo One Help MSPs

Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) software, which is a part of Comodo One group of products, is a great tool which MSP(s) can use to better serve their client infrastructure in an efficient and seamless manner. Equipped with enhanced remote monitoring capabilities, Comodo RMM helps MSP(s) successfully monitor their client networks against evolving malware and other such IT-security related threats.

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Network readiness assessment

Networks aren't a fixed system - a great challenge to your business's success. They develop, are broadened, tools are upgraded, and new applications incorporated. Modern data networks are ever-changing and the people who worked with it knows exactly the condition of a network.

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Increase cyber security

How to increase your cyber security by asking three easyquestions. Every cybersecurity responsible person knows the power of paranoia. Assume nothing, test everything, and then do it again. Here are three basic questions to ask: 1) How close a relationship does yourcybersecurity provider have with the people who you want to be protected against? If your government will not do business with them because they believe there is a significant chance that they are working with..

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Enterprise Network Assessment

Incorporates the examination of a customer's system foundation, the assessment of its help of vital business needs and proposals for upgrades - without merchant inclination - to meet future necessities. Assets included can incorporate operational appraisal, due tirelessness and designing staff and in addition venture administration and on location outsider.

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Network Assessment tool

Enterprise networks are built up of numerous entities. Servers, workstations, laptops, tablets, smartphones, other mobile devices (endpoints) and network devices are all connected to the enterprise network. Network Assessment refers to the review of the enterprise/organization IT infrastructure, security, management and the processes involved for network inventory - to identify all the connected entities; network

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email marketing platforms

Email marketing is dead and gone. It's 2017, social media is the best way to engage with your audience. It is 2017, but email marketing is not dying. According to Campaign Monitor, you are 6x more likely to get a click-through from an email campaign than you are from a tweet. Research by Randicati said a message is 5x more likely to be seen in email than through Facebook. In fact, email marketing has an ROI of 3800%. Yes, you read that right, three zeros. Thirty eight thousand.

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And The Academy Goes To...September 11, 2017
Comodo Academy

In case you missed our recently published press release, we at Comodo have launched a free self-paced and interactive education portal for MSP partners, Comodo Academy. Here, partners are trained and certified on the Comodo ONE platform for IT and security management (ITSM). The online portal contains tutorials, quizzes and practical exams to expand a partner's security knowledge.

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Comodo One iTune Common Factors

Why is Comodo One free? What's the catch? When is my free trial over? The answer: To put it plainly: We, at Comodo One, would like to partner with your MSP business. You don't make any money off of management tools, so why would we charge you for them? Instead, we will help you manage your IT infrastructure. Then, you'll be able to purchase our apps, which you can sell to your clients as part of your successful business services. When you make money, we make money. It's really that simple.

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Unknown Files

The Comodo One approach denies unknown files defaultly, while also allowing the user to safely access it. Think of it as putting your unknown file in a little jail cell. You can still interact with it, but it's unable to roam freely until it has been deemed good or bad. Comodo One is the only endpoint security solution that automatically handles unknown files and zero-day threats with a default deny approach. Almost all antivirus solutions default allow unknown files, which allows malware to go into the system/network completely undetected.

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Protecting Endpoints

Cybersecurity, like all technology, is constantly changing. Step by STAP. If you don't know what STAP is here's the lowdown: it's a term IDC coined that stands for Specialized Threat Analysis and Protection. STAP is meant to detect zero-day attacks and data exfiltration by attackers, which can go on undetected for weeks, if not years. Basically, it's a new category of security products which aim to defend against specialized threats that have emerged over the last couple years.

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MSP Signup

Transitioning your break-fix clients to managed services can be a challenge. Most people live by the 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' rule. Why? Because people don’t like to spend money on what-ifs. Usually... Americans spend thousands of their hard-earned dollars on auto collision insurance annually. In reality, the average person is far more likely to have their computer crash than their car. Rationally, the SMB owner knows that to get the most out of their network, it needs to be monitored and maintained. But when it's time to part with their money in order to prevent something that might happen, suddenly they tighten their purse strings.

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With a new major cyber attack hitting computers worldwide every week, business owners are wondering if there are any safe zones in cyber warfare. While some businesses are at a larger risk than others, everyone needs some kind of internet protection. That's where you come in. Managed Service Provider to the rescue! But are you a true MSP? There are basic tools you need to employ in order to truly fit the mold and ensure your business is secure from hackers' reach.

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Customer Referrals for MSP

While there are ways to increase your MSP business without prospecting (link to other blog post), one of the most beneficial marketing techniques to consider is referral marketing. Generally, referral marketing will generate more positive results and higher sales compared to pursuing cold leads, because the business-customer relationship is jumpstarted. Referrals let you leverage credibility from your existing customers in order to build trust with new customers quicker.

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MSP Buster

For one reason or another, many people are still living under the misguided notion that their information is safe on their electronic devices. It's certainly less stressful to pay no mind to hackers, viruses, scams and breeches, but it is dangerous. As an IT service provider, you know that, but your client Jimmy, the small business owner, doesn't. At least not yet. Cybersecurity isn't a tangible threat; there is no robber entering Jimmy's office, stealing his computer and leaving everything he worked so hard to build in shambles, but there may as well be.

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Free RMM for MSPs

Offering break-fix solutions through Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) is an easy way to get more new customers. It has wrongly been perceived that offering break-fix solutions is not a good business model. Many customers still don't understand the advantages of a managed service solution. One main factor putting them off is the cost involved. Industry experts have suggested that offering RMM for free is an even better approach. Many managed services providers (MSPs) have learned it the hard way, after losing customers who wanted only break-fix support.

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PSA and RMM Save's Time

MSPs (Managed Service Providers) help their clients earn more revenue, expand business and manage lots of things, using PSA (Professional Services Automation) tools and RMM (Remote Monitoring and Management) tools. Their focus is always on helping clients simplify their operations, maximize efficiencies and thereby enhance their productivity and profitability. However, it's to be noted that these PSA tools and RMM tools can help the MSPs save and find extra time each day. Here are three key tips on how to achieve that...

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msp trends

The managed services market is estimated to grow and thrive into a business worth $242.45 billion by 2021. With a compound annual growth rate of 10.8%, it is no surprise that more and more businesses are adopting for managed service providers or MSPs and RMM software is more a need rather than a luxury. Let's analyze a few trends and facts that the industry is supposed to concurrently witness.

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msp service desk

For any organization today, demands of digital business would exert great pressure on the service desk, wanting it to become more responsive, more efficient and at the same time drive down costs. All this happens at a time when cyber attacks are on the rise and are threatening all kinds of businesses, big and small. Today it's important for companies to use automation for accelerating the ability to respond to tickets. At the same time, it would indeed be great if a company could also close the loop and use automation to help deploy changes as well, especially those that might help remediate vulnerabilities fast. This helps companies save on costs and save or build up their brand reputation as well.

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